
> 復健醫學書籍  > 徒手治療

A Practical Guide to Fascial Manipulation-An Evidence- and Clinical-Based Approach


出版社:Elsevier Science Health Science
作者:Tuulia Luomala、Mika Pihlman

原價 : $2150元
售價 : 95 折  $2043





Grounded in scientific and clinical evidence, this highly illustrated new guide gives an introduction to the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders using the Fascial Manipulation (FM) method developed by Luigi Stecco - the foremost scientifically valid method of evaluating and treating fascial dysfunction. It describes FM's history, anatomy and physiology of fasciae, indications and contraindications, mechanisms of action, and details of the subjective and physical techniques used to manage disorders.

A Practical Guide to Fascial Manipulation focuses on concepts around evaluating the fascia based on functional testing, movement and direction in specific spatial planes, and the location of specific areas to treat safely. With an emphasis throughout on accessible practical information, the book is also supported by a website - www.guidefascial.com - containing procedural video clips and an image bank.


  • A practical introductory guide to Fascial Manipulation in a handy format
  • Clinically and scientifically validated
  • Illustrated with over 160 full colour artwork and photographs
  • Quick reference to clinical tips and key information via boxes and tables throughout the text
  • Clinical cases clearly demonstrate the method in practice and associated clinical reasoning
  • Written by internationally recognized teachers in the FM method with Carla Stecco as the Consulting Technical Editor
  • Follows the patient's path from interview, movement verification and palpation, then onto their personalized treatment plan
  • Companion website - www.guidefascial.com - with:
    • a bank of videos on the history of Fascial Manipulation, fascial anatomy, dysfunction, interview and palpation techniques, and other treatment protocols
    • a bank of downloadable images from the book

